Kitty Klitzke

Kitty Klitzke

City Council Member, District 3
Term: 2024-2027

Council member Klitzke is an accomplished land use and transportation advocate excited to take on the city's long-term planning and vision needs. She is a former army reserve medic, former chair of Spokane's Community Assembly Pedestrian, Transportation, and Traffic Committee, chair of the Spokane Regional Transportation Advisory Committee, and president of the Spokane Regional Food Policy Council. She led Complete Streets Spokane, which successfully advocated for bike and pedestrian infrastructure requirements when planning and building streets.

Council member Klitzke is a lifelong resident of Spokane. She grew up in Northeast Spokane and has lived in Northwest Spokane since 2003. She and her husband, Rick, have two children, one in college and one in public school. They enjoy Nordic skiing, kayaking, rafting, hiking, backpacking, and staying active in the community.

Current Council Related Boards, Committees and Commissions

Legislative Assistant

Sarah Sirott

Voting History

Date Description Vote
03/10/25 Resolution 2025-0006 - Regarding an update to Appendix “A” of the Public Rule for the City of Spokane Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility & Industrial Pretreatment Program & Lab Analysis Fees. Yea
03/10/25 Resolution 2025-0015 - Acknowledging the completion of the Land Capacity Analysis for the City of Spokane, a required part of Plan Spokane, the 2026 periodic update of the City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan, analyzing the capacity of the existing city boundaries to accommodate additional people and housing units expected in the City between 2023 and 2046. Yea
03/03/25 Resolution 2025-0005 - Approving year 2026 applications and 2025 adaptive projects to be paid from the Spokane Safe Streets for All Fund-not to exceed $2,875,000. Yea
03/03/25 Resolution 2025-0013 - Setting hearing before City Council for April 14, 2025, for the vacation of the west 150 feet of the alley between Mission & Sinto, from Ruby to Pearl, as requested by Chick-Fil-A. Yea
03/03/25 Resolution 2025-0014 - Setting hearing before City Council for April 14, 2025, for the vacation of Grace Avenue west of Northwest Blvd as requested by Excelsior Wellness. Yea
03/03/25 Resolution 2025-0016 - Acknowledging the recommendation of the Neighborhood Project Advisory Committee for the West Quadrant Tax Increment Financing district and accepting the use of $138,876 in TIF funding for public improvements to be installed as part of the “27 by 2027 Urban Mobility Network” project. Yea
02/24/25 Resolution 2025-0009 - Declaring Western States Equipment (Spokane) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a Contract (OPR 2025-0135) for the purpose of service on Caterpillar trucks and equipment on an asneeded basis for a five-year period-approximately $50,000 annually without public bidding, and a Value Blanket Order (OPR 2025-0136) for the purchase of Caterpillar parts on an as-needed basis for a five-year period-approximately $50,000 annually without public bidding. Yea
02/24/25 Resolution 2025-0011 - Declaring Pape’ Machinery (Spokane) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a Contract (OPR 2025-0137) for the purpose of service on John Deere, Wirten, and Vogele trucks and equipment on an as-needed basis for a five-year period-approximately $200,000 annually without public bidding, and a Value Blanket Order (OPR 2025-0138) for the purchase of John Deere, Wirten, and Vogele parts on an as-needed basis for a five-year period-approximately $50,000 annually without public bidding. Yea
02/24/25 Resolution 2025-0012 - Declaring Ready Rebound (Milwaukee, WI) a sole source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a Contract for the purpose of service Personalized Health and Performance Program for public safety staff, for a one-year period-approximately $182,000, without public bidding. Yea
02/24/25 Special Budget Ordinance C36640 - Ordinances amending Ordinance No. C36626, passed by the City Council December 9, 2024, and entitled in part, "An Ordinance Adopting a Biennial Budget for the City of Spokane,” making appropriation adjustments for year 2025, and declaring an emergency. Arises from the need to adjust pay ranges to align with salary analysis for the first quarter of 2025. Yea
02/10/25 Ordinance C36630 - Relating to language access and the recruitment of bilingual and multilingual applicants to the City of Spokane, and amending Section 18.11.050 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
02/10/25 Ordinance C36636 - Amending Ordinance C22382 that vacated Calispel Street from the north line of Cora Avenue to the south line of Glass Avenue, City and County of Spokane, Washington. Yea
02/10/25 Resolution 2025-0007 - Declaring that a special market condition does exist, waiving competitive bidding requirements, and authorizing the City to enter into a contract with CarbonQuest in the amount not to exceed $650,000 for the purposes of a feasibility and engineering study for the CO2 Emissions Reduction Project for the Waste-to-Energy Facility. Yea
02/10/25 Resolution 2025-0010 - Committing the City of Spokane to the enforcement of the Keep Washington Working Act of 2019 and supporting legal and immigration defense services. Yea
02/10/25 Special Budget Ordinance C36639 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36626, passed by the City Council December 9, 2024, and entitled in part, "An Ordinance Adopting a Biennial Budget for the City of Spokane,” making appropriation adjustments for year 2025, and declaring an emergency. This action arises from the need to accept the EPA sub-award grant for Climate Resilience. Yea
02/03/25 Ordinance C36632 - Final Reading Ordinance C36632 providing for the acquisition by eminent domain of certain lands necessary for water booster pump station in the vicinity of N. Wieber Drive and W. Shawnee Lane, located in the City and County of Spokane, State of Washington. Yea
02/03/25 Ordinance C36633 - Final Reading Ordinance C36633 amending Section 17D.100.230 of the Spokane Municipal Code to add Centers and Corridors to Historic Preservation review of proposed demolition of historic properties, also to bring review of buildings by the Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission into compliance with 2023 Washington House Bill 1293 by implementing clear and objective design standards, and to modify the limitations on redevelopment of a property after a historic or eligible structure has been demolished. Yea
02/03/25 Ordinance C36634 - Relating to creating an Alcohol Impact Area within specific boundaries of the City of Spokane; adopting a new Chapter 10.82 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
02/03/25 Ordinance C36635 - Implementing a Community Health Impact Area and public health measures to mitigate the impacts of addiction; adopting a new Division VII and Chapter 10.81 to the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
02/03/25 Special Budget Ordinance C36638 - Ordinance C36638 amending Ordinance No. C36626 passed by the City Council December 9, 2024, and entitled in part "An Ordinance adopting a Biennial Budget for the City of Spokane,” making appropriation adjustments for year 2025, and declaring and emergency. (This action carries over budget authority for 2024 obligated budget items that were not completed at year-end and appropriates various outstanding grants and capital expenditures, thereby amending Ordinance C36626, passed December 9, 2024.) Yea
01/27/25 Ordinance C36629 - Hearing on Final Reading Ordinance C36629 relating to Building Opportunity for Housing (BOH) follow up code fixes making changes to the Unified Development Code that are intended to fix errors, clarify, and create more flexibility within the Spokane Municipal Code, amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) sections 17A.020.060 "F" Definitions, 17C.111.205 Development Standards Tables, 17C.111.210 Density,17C.111.220 Building Coverage and Impervious Coverage, 17C.111.235 Setbacks, 17C.111.310 Open Space, 17C.111.315 Entrances, 17C.111.320 Windows, 17C.111.325 Building Articulation, 17C.111.335 Parking Facilities, 17C.111.420 Open Spaces, 17C.230.100 General Standards, 17C.230.110 Minimum Required Parking Spaces, 17C.230.120 Maximum Required Parking Spaces, 17C.230.130 Parking Exceptions, 17C.230.140 Development Standards, 17G.080.040 Short Subdivisions, 17G.080.065 Unit Lot Subdivisions, adopting a new section 17C.230.020 Vehicle Parking Summary Table, and repealing 17C.111.450 Pitched Roofs. Yea
01/27/25 Resolution 2025-0004 - Declaring the waiver of public bid requirements for the purchase of 2025 insurance premiums for specified City insurance coverages. Yea
01/06/25 Resolution 2025-0001 - Declaring ABB Industrial Automation & Power Generation (Portland, OR) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a contract for service and support for the Digital Control Systems for the City of Spokane Waste to Energy Facility to be used on an “as needed” basis for a five-year period-approximately $270,000 annually without public bidding. Yea
01/06/25 Resolution 2025-0002 - Approving settlement of the claim against the City in the matter of McLaughlin v. City of Spokane-$500,000. Yea
12/16/24 Ordinance C36625 - Relating to the Accounting and Grants Department; amending Section 03.01A.215 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
12/16/24 Ordinance C36627 - Relating to the Small Works Roster; amending SMC section 07.06.165; and repealing SMC section 07.06.167. Yea
12/16/24 Ordinance C36628 - Relating to Spokane City Council meetings and amending sections 02.005.010, 02.01.010 and 02.01.030 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and repealing Section 02.01.020 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
12/09/24 Ordinance C36618 - Relating to Business Activities Subject to Tax; amending Section 08.10.030 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
12/09/24 Ordinance C36619 - Relating to fees and charges amending Chapter 08.02 and Chapter 13.04 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Specifically amending Section 08.02.0220 Sidewalk Cafes, Section 08.02.0235 Parklets and Streateries, Section 08.02.030 Boiler Code, Section 08.02.031 Building Code, Section 08.02.032 Electrical Code, Section 08.02.033 Elevator Code, Section 08.02.035 Mechanical Code, Section 08.02.036 Plumbing Code, Section 08.02.037 Sewer Code, Section 08.02.0371 Water Code, Section 08.02.038 Shorelines Management, Section 08.02.039 Special Inspections and Other Fees, Section 08.02.060 Building Code, Section 08.02.061 Environmental Policy, Section 08.02.064 Plats, Section 08.02.065 Streets and Airspace, Section 08.02.0655 Private Construction Plan Review and Inspection, Section 08.02.066 Zoning, Section 08.02.0665 Design Review, Section 08.02.067 Existing Building and Conservation Code, Section 08.02.069 Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Code Amendments, Section 08.02.0696 Concurrency Inquiry Application Fee, Section 08.02.085 Yea
12/09/24 Ordinance C36626 - Adopting a biennial budget for the City of Spokane, Washington, for the years 2025 and 2026, and setting forth in summary form the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund, the aggregate totals for all such funds combined, and providing an effective date. Yea
12/09/24 Resolution 2024-0115 - Declaring Solid Waste Systems (Spokane Valley, WA) a sole-source provider for Curbtender, Labrie, Scorpion and Sewer Equipment products, parts and services and authorizing the City of Spokane Fleet Services to purchase products “as needed”, enter into a five (5) year Value Blanket Order for parts and a five (5) year Service Contract for services as needed for approximately-$1,500,000 (inc. tax) annually without public bidding. Yea
12/09/24 Resolution 2024-0116 - Adopting the City of Spokane's legislative agenda for the upcoming 2025 state legislative session. Yea
12/09/24 Resolution 2024-0117 - Approving administrative allocations of residual funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Yea
12/09/24 Resolution 2024-0118 - Appointing City Council Members to boards, committees, and commissions for calendar year 2025. Yea
12/09/24 Resolution 2024-0119 - Adopting various amendments to the City Council's Rules of Procedure. Yea
12/09/24 Resolution 2024-0120 - Requesting the Brown Administration to extend the current contract with Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), authorizing the council president to execute the extension if necessary, and setting forth terms and conditions for extension—not to exceed $200,000. Yea
12/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36620 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax Fund 1) Increase revenue by $900,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $900,000 is provided solely from motel/hotel transient tax. 2) Increase appropriation by $900,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $900,000 is provided solely for the pass-through payment to the Spokane Public Facilities District. Yea
12/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36621 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Worker’s Compensation Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $600,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $600,000 is provided solely for insurance claim payments. Yea
12/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36622 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fleet Services Fund 1) Increase revenue by $1,399,194. A) Of the increased revenue, $489,194 is provided solely for sale of scrap/junk/surplus. B) Of the increased revenue, $160,000 is provided solely for interfund compressed natural gas fuel service charges. C) Of the increased revenue, $750,000 is provided solely for interfund vehicle/equipment repair service charges. 2) Increase appropriation by $1,399,194. A) Of the increased appropriation, $489,194 is provided solely for an operating transfer-out to the Asset Management Capital fund for a debt payment. B) Of the increased appropriation, $160,00 Yea
12/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36623 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Financial Partnership Portfolio Fund 1) Increase revenue by $768,796.08. A) Of the increased revenue, $768,796.08 is provided solely from an operating transfer-in from the Asset Management Capital fund for debt restructure. 2) Increase appropriation by $768,796.08. A) Of the increased appropriation, $768,796.08 is provided solely for an operating transfer-out to the Asset Management Capital fund for debt restructure. Yea
12/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36624 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Communications Building Maintenance and Operations Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $30,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $30,000 is provided solely for building repairs/maintenance. Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36609 - Final Reading Ordinance C36609 relating to application file Z23-474COMP amending Map LU 1, Land Use Plan Map, of the City’s Comprehensive Plan from “Neighborhood Mini Center” and “Residential Low” to “Neighborhood Mini Center” and “Office” for approximately 1.5 acres in the Chief Garry Park Neighborhood; and amending the Zoning Map from “Neighborhood Retail, 35-foot height limit (NR-35)” and “R1” to “Neighborhood Retail, 40-foot height limit (NR-40) and “Office Retail, 40-foot height limit (OR-40).” (By a vote of 9 to 0, the Plan Commission recommends approval.) (Mission & Sinto) Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36610 - Final Reading Ordinance C36610 relating to application file Z23-476COMP amending Map LU 1, Land Use Plan Map, of the City’s Comprehensive Plan from “Neighborhood Retail,” “Residential Low,” “Office,” and “Conservation Open Space” to “General Commercial” for approximately 3.9 acres in the West Hills Neighborhood; and amending the Zoning Map from “Neighborhood Retail, 35-foot height limit (NR-35),” “R1,” and “Office, 35-foot height limit (O-35)” to “Community Business, 55foot height limit (CB-55).” (By a vote of 9 to 0, the Plan Commission recommends approval.) (Eighth Avenue) Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36611 - Final Reading Ordinance C36611 relating to application file Z23-477COMP amending Map LU 1, Land Use Plan Map, of the City’s Comprehensive Plan from “Residential Low” to “General Commercial” for approximately 0.84 acres in the West Hills Neighborhood; and amending the Zoning Map from “R1” to “General Commercial, 75-foot height limit (GC-75)”. (By a vote of 9 to 0, the Plan Commission recommends approval.) (Rustle & Bemis) Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36612 - Final Reading Ordinance C36612 relating to application file Z23-478COMP amending Map LU 1, Land Use Plan Map, of the City’s Comprehensive Plan from “Residential Low” to “General Commercial” and “Office” for approximately 5.2 acres in the West Hills Neighborhood; and amending the Zoning Map from “R1” to “General Commercial, 75-foot height limit (GC-75) and “Office Retail, 55-foot height limit (OR-55).” (By a vote of 8 to 1, the Plan Commission recommends approval.) (Assembly & Bemis) Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36613 - Final Reading Ordinance C36613 relating to application file Z23-479COMP amending Map LU 1, Land Use Plan Map, of the City’s Comprehensive Plan from “Residential Low” to “General Commercial,” “Residential Moderate,” and “Potential Open Space” for approximately 33 acres in the Balboa/South Indian Trail Neighborhood; and amending the Zoning Map from “R1” to “Community Business, 55-foot height limit (CB-55)”, Residential Multifamily (RMF),” and “R1.” (By a vote of 8 to 0, with one abstention, the Plan Commission recommends approval.) (Indian Trail) Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36614 - Final Reading Ordinance C36614 relating to proposal file Z24-105COMP amending Map LU 1, Land Use Plan Map, of the City’s Comprehensive Plan from “Residential Low,” “Residential Moderate,” “Institutional,” “General Commercial,” “Center and Corridor Transition Area,” and “Center and Corridor Core Area” to “Residential Moderate,” “Residential High,” “Institutional,” and “Center and Corridor Core Area” for approximately 361 acres, consisting of 604 parcels, in the South Logan Study Area, as defined by the South Logan TOD Plan (RES 2024-0015); and amending the Zoning Map from “R1,” “R2,” “Residential Multifamily (RMF),” “Residential High Density, 55-foot height limit (RDH55),” “Office Retail, 55-foot height limit (OR-55),” “General Commercial, 150-foot height limit (GC150),” “Context Area 1/2/3/4” (Hamilton Form-based Code), and “Centers and Corridors, District Center (CC1-DC)” to “Residential Multifamily, 40-foot height limit (RMF-40),” “Residential High Density, 55-foot height limit (RHD-55),” “Residential High Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36615 - Changing the zone from Office (O) to Office Retail (OR) for property located at 727 West Francis Avenue in the City and County of Spokane, State of Washington, by amending the Official Zoning Map. Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36616 - a. 2025 Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Management Plan. b. Hearing on the 2025 assessments and assessment roll for the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area. c. Hearing on Final Reading Ordinance C36616 approving and confirming the 2025 Assessments and Assessment Roll for the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area, prepared under Ordinance C32923 as codified and amended in Chapter 4.31C SMC. Yea
12/02/24 Ordinance C36617 - a. 2025 East Sprague Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) Management Plan. b. Hearing on the 2025 assessments and assessment roll for the East Sprague Parking and Business Improvement Area. c. Hearing on Final Reading Ordinance C36617 approving and confirming the 2025 Assessments and Assessment Roll for the East Sprague Parking and Business Improvement Area, prepared under Ordinance C35377 as codified and amended in Chapter 4.31C SMC. Yea
12/02/24 Resolution 2024-0110 - Approving an extension of a development agreement regarding the preliminary plat and planned unit development referred to as The Vistas at Beacon Hill. Yea
12/02/24 Resolution 2024-0111 - In support of an amendment of state law to enhance protection of consumers from fraud via virtual currency kiosks. Yea
12/02/24 Resolution 2024-0112 - Supporting the delay of the Department of Natural Resources land exchange of the Thorpe Road Property in Spokane’s Latah Valley. Yea
12/02/24 Resolution 2024-0113 - Regarding General Facilities Charges annual increase for 2025 as required by Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) section 13.03.0734 and 13.04.0244. Yea
12/02/24 Resolution 2024-0114 - Requesting the Spokane County Auditor remove Proposition No. 1, the City’s proposed property tax levy measure for park improvements, from the February 11, 2025 special election ballot. Yea
11/18/24 Ordinance C36608 - Relating to Littering and Illegal Dumping; repealing Chapter 10.62 of the Spokane Municipal Code; amending Section 10.58.020 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
11/18/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36606 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fire Capital Fund 1) Decrease revenue by $500,000. A) Of the decreased revenue, $500,000 is removed from an operating transfer-in from the General Fund. 2) Decrease appropriation by $750,000. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $500,000 is removed solely from building construction. B) Of the decreased appropriation, $250,000 is removed solely from vehicles. 3) Increase appropriation by $250,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $250,000 is provided solely for an operating transfer-out to the Fire/EMS fund. and General Fund 1) Decrease appropriation by $500,000. A) Of the decreased appropriatio Yea
11/18/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36607 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: General Fund 1) Increase revenue by $100,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $100,000 is provided solely for an operating transfer-in to the Police department from the American Rescue Plan fund. 2) Increase appropriation by $1,100,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $700,000 is provided solely for base wages in the Police department. B) Of the increased appropriation, $400,000 is provided solely for annual leave payout in the Police department. 1) Reallocate the appropriation of $100,000 that was previously allocated for the purpose of Multicultural Centers. 2) Of the reallocated appropriation, $10 Yea
11/14/24 Ordinance C36600 - Relating to oversight of transportation infrastructure, amending Section 04.40.050 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and repealing sections 12.01.200 through 12.01.210 of the Spokane Municipal Code. (As amended at November 4, 2024, Council Meeting) Yea
11/14/24 Ordinance C36601 - Relating to revenue from automated safety cameras, renaming the Traffic Calming Fund the “Spokane Safe Streets for All Fund,” amending Sections 07.08.148, 16A.64.220 and 16A.64.240 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and repealing Section 16A.64.260 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
11/14/24 Ordinance C36602 - Relating to sewers, amending SMC section 13.03.0508; adopting new sections 13.03.0125, 13.03.0225, and 13.03.0501, to chapter 13.03 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date. Yea
11/14/24 Ordinance C36604 - Related to sidewalk maintenance; amending SMC 12.01.010 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
11/14/24 Resolution 2024-0106 - Approving grants for multicultural centers as funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)-$400,000. Yea
11/14/24 Resolution 2024-0107 - Approving grants for youth sports as funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)-up to $250,000. Yea
11/14/24 Resolution 2024-0108 - Expressing support for the Stop Smuggling Illicit Synthetic Drugs on U.S. Transportation Networks Act of 2024 and adding it to the City of Spokane’s Federal Legislative Agenda. Yea
11/14/24 Resolution 2024-0109 - Approving the appointment of Allison Adam as the Director of the Human Resources Division for the City of Spokane. Yea
11/14/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36603 - Ordinance C36603 amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Opioid Response Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $124,350. 2) Of the increased appropriation, $124,350 is provided solely for contractual services for street outreach and navigation services. Yea
11/04/24 Ordinance C36575 - An ordinance titled the “Mary’s Place Preservation Law,” regulating the preservation of salvageable material; amending section 08.02.031 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and adopting a new chapter 15.06 to Title 15 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
11/04/24 Ordinance C36596 - Amending Title 17 of the Spokane Municipal Code to update land use application procedures which clarify, expedite, and consolidate the land use permitting process in accordance with Senate Bill 5290. Specifically amending Section 17A.020.030 “C” Definitions, Section 17A.020.200 “T” Definitions, Section 17E.020.080 Application Submittal Requirements, Section 17E.030.060 Establishment of Development Permit, Section 17E.040.080 Application Submittal Requirements, Section 17E.070.080 Application Submittal Requirements, Section 17G.061.110 Application Requirements, Section 17G.061.120 Determination of a Complete Application, Section 17G.061.130 Application Time Limits, Section 17G.061.150 Modification of Applications and Permits, Section 17G.080.040 Short Subdivisions, Section 17G.080.060 Binding Site Plan, setting an effective date, and other matters properly related thereto Yea
11/04/24 Ordinance C36597 - Relating to council membership on the Community Housing and Human Services Board, and amending Section 04.34A.030 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
11/04/24 Ordinance C36598 - Adopting a Six-year Citywide Capital Improvement Program for the years 2025 through 2030 and amending the Citywide Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as referenced in Appendix C of the City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan. Yea
11/04/24 Ordinance C36599 - Updating the Annual City of Spokane property tax levy for 2025. Yea
11/04/24 Resolution 2024-0101 - Relating to the Traffic Calming Fund and requesting the mayor use traffic calming funds to install a stop sign and speed tables on the Post Street Bridge. Yea
11/04/24 Resolution 2024-0102 - Updating the City of Spokane's “School Zone Speed Limit Schedule” Resolution which was adopted on October 25, 2021. Yea
11/04/24 Resolution 2024-0103 - “27 by 2027” Resolution proposing development of a connected 27-mile urban mobility network by the end of 2027. This network will connect low-volume, low-speed neighborhood (local access) streets to major city and regional pathways, using adaptive design strategies. The network will also use some permanent infrastructure and enhanced crossing devices, such as Ped Hybrid Beacons and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons to make intersection crossings safe for people walking, bicycling, or rolling with adaptive devices. Yea
11/04/24 Resolution 2024-0104 - Declaring Whitney Equipment Company, Inc. (Woodinville, WA) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a value blanket order for Flygt Products for a five (5) year period without public bidding-$500,000. Yea
11/04/24 Resolution 2024-0105 - Regarding amendment to the City of Spokane Water and Hydroelectric Department – Fee & Cost Schedule for 2025. Yea
10/28/24 Resolution 2024-0096 - Stating the Spokane City Council’s opposition to statewide Initiative Measure No. 2117, concerning carbon tax credit trading, submitted to the 2024 Washington Legislature and referred to vote of the people on the November 5, 2024 general election ballot, which initiative, if adopted, would repeal the Cap-and-Invest Program created by the state’s Climate Commitment Act. Yea
10/28/24 Resolution 2024-0098 - Directing City of Spokane Planning Services staff to conduct a subarea planning process for the 5th Avenue area of the East Central Neighborhood as the framework and actionable vision for inclusive community development through an integrated land-use, transportation, housing and economic development approach guided by the principles of equity and co-design. Yea
10/28/24 Resolution 2024-0099 - Directing City of Spokane Planning & Economic Development Department to initiate the periodic review of the City’s Comprehensive Plan by conducting community engagement, analyzing growth alternatives, and conducting an environmental impact statement (EIS) in conformance with the Growth Management Act. (Relates to Consent Agenda Item Nos. 9 & 10, OPR 2024-0909 and OPR 2024-0910) Yea
10/28/24 Resolution 2024-0100 - Adopting the Centers and Corridors Update Study as a guide for developing updates Centers and Corridors policies and development regulations as adopted in the City of Spokane’s Comprehensive Plan and the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
10/28/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36595 - Ordinance C36595 amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Building Services (DSC) Fund 1) Add one classified Plan Examiner position (from 6 to 7). 2) Add one classified Engineering Tech IV (from 1 to 2). 3) Add one Planner I (from 1 to 2). 4) Add one Office Clerk Specialist (from 0 to 1). 5) Increase the appropriation by $71,986. A) Of the increased appropriation, $71,986 is provided solely for base wages and associated employee benefits. Yea
10/21/24 Emergency Ordinance C36594 - Repealing reduced fees for construction of accessory dwelling units; amending sections 08.02.031 and 08.02.066 of the Spokane Municipal Code.; and declaring an emergency. Yea
10/21/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36592 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: American Rescue Plan Fund Reallocate the appropriation of $7,484.09 that was previously allocated for the purpose of AVI Upgrades. 2) Reallocate the appropriation of $218,632.84 that was previously allocated for the purpose of procurement and outfitting of fire apparatuses. 3) Reallocate the appropriation of $9,504.88 that was previously allocated for ADU Permits. 4) Reallocate the appropriation of $6,130.41 that was previously allocated for the purpose of purchase and commissioning of a Fire Safety House. 5) Reallocate the appropriation of $16,733.09 that was previously allocated for the purpose of p Yea
10/21/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36593 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Public Safety Personnel & Crime Reduction Fund 1) Remove 16 classified Police Officers (from 16 to 0). 2) Remove one classified Senior Police Officer (from 1 to 0). 3) Remove one classified Mental Health Coordinator (from 1 to 0). 4) Remove two classified Parking Enforcement Spec I (from 2 to 0). 5) Remove four classified Police Records Specialist (from 4 to 0). 6) Remove six classified Police Radio Dispatcher I (from 6 to 0). 7) Remove two classified Police Radio Dispatcher II (from 2 to 0). 8) Decrease appropriation by $3,119,373. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $3,119,373 is removed from base w Yea
10/14/24 Ordinance C36576 - Streamlining rental registration requirements; amending sections 10.57.020, and 10.57.040 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
10/14/24 Ordinance C36586 - Relating to the annual rates for the Sewer utility and services, amending SMC sections 13.03.1004, 13.03.1008, 13.03.1010, 13.03.1011, 13.03.1012, 13.03.1018, 13.03.1020, and 13.03.1022; to chapter 13.03 of the Spokane Municipal Code; repealing 13.03.1006; and setting an effective date. Yea
10/14/24 Ordinance C36587 - Relating to the annual rates for the Water utility and services, amending SMC sections 13.04.2002, 13.04.2004, 13.04.2005, 13.04.2008, 13.04.2010, 13.04.2012, 13.04.2014, 13.04.2015, 13.04.2016, 13.04.20161, and 13.04.2025; to chapter 13.04 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date. Yea
10/14/24 Ordinance C36588 - Relating to the annual rates of Water-Wastewater public utilities and services, amending SMC sections 13.035.500; to chapter 13.035 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date. Yea
10/14/24 Ordinance C36589 - Relating to the rates of Solid Waste Collection public utilities and services, amending SMC sections 13.02.0106, 13.02.0112, 13.02.0114, 13.02.0125, 13.02.0130, 13.02.0202, 13.02.0204, 13.02.0224, 13.02.0232, 13.02.0238, 13.02.0244, 13.02.0300, 13.02.0304, 13.02.0306, 13.02.0310, 13.02.0314, 13.02.0316, 13.02.0318, 13.02.0324, 13.02.0330, 13.02.0332, 13.02.0334, 13.02.0340, 13.02.0342, 13.02.0344, 13.02.0352, 13.02.0354, 13.02.0358, 13.02.0360, 13.02.0364, 13.02.0366, 13.02.0402, 13.02.0406, 13.02.0408, 13.02.0410, 13.02.0502, 13.02.0504, 13.02.0506, 13.02.0508, 13.02.0510, 13.02.0512, 13.02.0514, 13.02.0518, 13.02.0520, 13.02.0522, 13.02.0528, 13.02.0550, 13.02.0552, 13.02.0554, 13.02.0560, 13.02.0561, 13.02.0562, 13.02.0563, and 13.02.0568; to chapter 13.02 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date. Yea
10/14/24 Ordinance C36590 - Relating to customer credit rate ordinance, amending SMC section 13.11.030; and SMC 13.035.700 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date. Yea
10/14/24 Resolution 2024-0093 - Authorizing the Airport Board to sell property identified as a portion of Spokane County Assessor Parcel 15355.9007. Yea
10/14/24 Resolution 2024-0094 - Authorizing the Airport Board to acquire property identified as Spokane County Assessor Parcels 24063.0102 and 24063.0510. Yea
10/14/24 Resolution 2024-0095 - Stating the Spokane City Council's support for City of Spokane Proposition 1 entitled, "COMMUNITY SAFETY SALES TAX," submitted by the Spokane City Council for the November 5, 2024, General Election. (Relates to Final Reading Ordinance C36591) Yea
10/07/24 Emergency Ordinance C36591 - Establishing the Community Safety Fund and setting the expiration date of the additional sales and use tax authorized by RCW 82.14.450; adopting section 07.08.160 to chapter 07.08 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
10/07/24 Ordinance C36580 - Relating to Noise Control; amending SMC section 10.70.120 to chapter 10.70 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date. Yea
10/07/24 Ordinance C36581 - Relating to the use of composted materials in City of Spokane projects; adopting a new section 7.06.221 to Chapter 07.06 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
10/07/24 Ordinance C36582 - Relating to commercial truck traffic on Nebraska Avenue and amending Section 12.08.010 of the of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
10/07/24 Resolution 2024-0092 - Approving the partnership between the City of Spokane and Gonzaga University to apply for a Department of Ecology Air Quality grant. Yea
10/07/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36583 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $982,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $982,000 is provided by the Office of Justice Programs for the Drug Court and Community Court in the Municipal Court department. 2) Increase appropriation by $982,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $860,000 is provided solely for professional services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $55,800 is provided solely for travel. C) Of the increased appropriation, $40,000 is provided solely for security services. D) Of the increased appropriation, $26,200 is provided solely for transportation services. Yea
10/07/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36584 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $180,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $180,000 is provided by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the DUI Court in the Municipal Court department. 2) Increase appropriation by $180,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $180,000 is provided solely for professional services. Yea
10/07/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36585 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Regarding changes to various Funds to make grade and associated pay range changes for various positions (for the third quarter of 2024, as more specifically described in the ordinance). Yea
09/30/24 Ordinance C36578 - Relating to the recruitment of applicants to the SHRC, amending section 4.10.020 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
09/30/24 Ordinance C36579 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, suspending the acceptance of annual applications for amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan until completion of the City’s mandated periodic comprehensive plan update, expected to be completed and adopted in 2026. Yea
09/30/24 Resolution 2024-0091 - Declaring Rockwell Automation/Allen Bradley and associated software/hardware, support services and training as a sole source and thus authorizing its purchase from Columbia Electric Supply (Spokane) for a five-year period without public bidding. Yea
09/23/24 Resolution 2024-0086 - Setting the Assessment Roll Hearing before City Council for December 2, 2024, for the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area (Business Improvement District BID) and providing notice of the 2025 assessments to business and property owners. Yea
09/23/24 Resolution 2024-0087 - Setting the Assessment Roll Hearing before City Council for December 2, 2024, for the East Sprague Parking and Business Improvement Area (Business Improvement District BID) and providing notice of the 2025 assessments to business and property owners. Yea
09/23/24 Resolution 2024-0088 - Approving grants for multicultural centers as funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Yea
09/23/24 Resolution 2024-0089 - Setting forth the City Council's approval and endorsement of funding for contracts for CHHS arising from the HOME-ARP program allocation, and from the 1590 Sales and Uses Tax Revenue allocation for housing related services and authorizing the execution of the applicable and appropriate contracts once formalized without further City Council action. Yea
09/23/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36572 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Housing Local Sales Tax Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $12,059,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $11,800,000 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $259,000 is provided solely for the City's administrative costs, including salaries, benefits, supplies, and equipment. Yea
09/23/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36573 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: General Fund 1) Add one exempt City Prosecutor to the Legal department (from 1 to 2). 2) Increase revenue by $32,200. A) Of the increased revenue, $32,200 is provided solely for an operating transfer-in from the Cannabis Tax Fund. 3) Increase appropriation by $32,200. A) Of the increased appropriation, $32,200 is provided solely for base wages and employee benefits. Yea
09/23/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36574 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Public Safety & Judicial Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $215,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $215,000 is provided by Washington Traffic Safety Commission through the Outreach and Training program. 2) Increase appropriation by $215,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $185,000 is to be provided solely for base wages and employee benefits. B) Of the increased appropriation, $10,000 is to be provided solely for minor equipment. C) Of the increased appropriation, $10,000 is to be provided solely for registration/schooling. D) Of the increased appropriation, $10,000 is to be provided solely Yea
09/09/24 Ordinance C36571 - Granting to BNSF Railway Company, a Delaware Corporation, a franchise agreement for the right to construct, maintain, and operate a railway within certain described limits of the City of Spokane for a period of twenty-five (25) years. Yea
09/09/24 Resolution 2024-0083 - Recognizing the contributions of sports officials in the City of Spokane. Yea
09/09/24 Resolution 2024-0084 - To authorize City of Spokane Engineering Services Department staff to enter into contracts for WSDOT funded projects, for on-call basis contracts with specialty consultants. Yea
09/09/24 Resolution 2024-0085 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of taxable Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,000,000; establishing interfund loan facilities from the Spokane Investment Pool to finance capital needs for waste to energy equipment, vehicles, and apparatus; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bonds; establishing the provisions for drawing on the interfund loan established thereby; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bonds to the City, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. (Relates to Special Budget Ordinance C36569) Yea
09/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36568 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: American Rescue Plan Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $1,224,512.54. A) Of the increased appropriation, $1,224,512.54 is provided solely for an operating transfer-out to the General Fund. and General Fund 1) Increase revenue by $1,774,512.54. A) Of the increased revenue, $1,224,512.54 is provided solely for an operating transfer-in from the American Rescue Plan Fund in the Police department B) Of the increased revenue, $550,000 is provided solely for an operating transfer-in from the American Rescue Plan Fund in the Community Justice Services department. 2) Increase appropriation by $1,774,5 Yea
09/09/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36569 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Facilities Management-Capital Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $3,781,306. A) Of the increased appropriation, $3,781,306 is provided solely for machinery/equipment in the Solid Waste department. Yea
09/09/24 Special Consideration CPR 2000-0031 - Recommendations from the Tourism and Cultural Investment Committee for funding allocations. Yea
08/26/24 Ordinance C36567 - Renaming the Office of Police Ombudsman and the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, and amending Sections 04.32.010 through 04.32.040, Sections 04.32.060 through 04.32.110, Section 04.32.130, and Sections 04.32.150 through 04.32.160 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
08/26/24 Resolution 2024-0078 - Declaring Gordon Truck Center dba Freightliner Northwest (Spokane) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a five-year Value Blanket Order for the purchase of Detroit Diesel Engine Parts/Components on an as needed basis-approximately $100,000 annually without public bidding. Yea
08/26/24 Resolution 2024-0079 - Declaring Community Health Association of Spokane (CHAS) the sole source provider for provision of street medicine programs in Spokane, to be funded with a grant from the Washington Health Care Authority. Yea
08/26/24 Resolution 2024-0080 - In support of the City of Spokane’s 2024 Fair Housing Plan and affirmatively furthering fair housing. Yea
08/26/24 Resolution 2024-0081 - Setting forth the City Council’s approval and endorsement of funding for contracts for CHHS arising from the HOME Investment Partnership program allocation, and from the 1590 Sales and Uses Tax Revenue allocation, and authorizing the execution of the applicable and appropriate contracts once formalized without further City Council action-$9,067,404. Yea
08/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36561 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fire Grants Misc Fund 1) Increase revenue by $140,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $140,000 is provided by the Washington Department of Ecology through the Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Equipment Grant program. 2) Increase appropriation by $140,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $110,000 is to be provided solely for equipment. B) Of the increased appropriation, $30,000 is to be provided solely for registration/schooling. Yea
08/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36562 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Community Development Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $1,000,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $1,000,000 is provided solely for grant revenue from the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA). 2) Increase appropriation by $1,000,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $900,000 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $100,000 is provided solely for the City’s administrative costs, including salaries, benefits, supplies, and equipment. Yea
08/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36563 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Human Services Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $1,671,523. A) Of the increased revenue, $1,671,523 is provided solely for grant revenue from the Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC) as part of the Right of Way (ROW) initiative. 2) Increase appropriation by $1,671,523. A) Of the increased appropriation, $1,509,871 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $161,652 is provided solely for the City’s administrative costs, including salaries, benefits, supplies, and equipment. and Miscellaneous Community Development Grants Fund 1) Increase rev Yea
08/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36564 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: American Rescue Plan Fund 1) Reallocate part of the appropriation by $68,200 that was previously allocated for the purpose of support for multicultural centers. 2) Of the reallocated appropriation, $68,200 is provided solely for the purpose of WUI evacuation modeling. Yea
08/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36565 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $712,800. A) Of the increased revenue, $282,500 is provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts for the Community Court in the Municipal Court department. B) Of the increased revenue, $251,550 is provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts for the Domestic Violence Intervention Treatment Court in the Municipal Court department. C) Of the increased revenue, $86,000 is provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts for the Drug Court in the Municipal Court department. D) Of the increased revenue, $76,350 is provided by the Administrative Yea
08/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36566 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: General Fund 1) Remove one classified Community Justice Counselor (from 21 to 20) from the Community Justice Services department. 2) Remove two classified Community Justice Specialist (from 7 to 5) from the Community Justice Services department. 3) Decrease appropriation by $66,700. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $43,600 is removed from base wages. B) Of the decreased appropriation, $23,100 is removed from employee benefits. 4) Add one classified Community Justice Counselor (from 0 to 1) in the Municipal Court department. 5) Add three classified Community Justice Specialists (from 0 to 3) in the Mun Yea
08/19/24 Ordinance C36557 - Creating the Climate Resilience and Sustainability Board (CRSB); repealing Chapter 04.36 of Title 04 the Spokane Municipal Code; creating a new Chapter 04.41 to Title 04 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
08/19/24 Ordinance C36558 - Repealing inactive funds; amending Sections 07.08.100, 07.08.119, and 07.08.159; repealing Sections 07.08.105, 07.08.111, 07.08.118, 07.08.120, 07.08.126, 07.08.128, 07.08.142, 07.08.144, 07.08.200, 07.08.308, 07.08.309, and 07.08.410 of the Spokane Municipal Code. (Repeals municipal code sections related to inactive special revenue, debt service, capital projects, and enterprise funds.) Yea
08/19/24 Ordinance C36559 - Relating to the membership of the Spokane Employees’ Retirement System Board; amending SMC section 4.14.040. Yea
08/19/24 Resolution 2024-0082 - Approving the appointment of Kevin Hall as the Police Chief for the Spokane Police Department. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36548 - Relating to the establishment of a sales and use tax deferral program for affordable housing; retitling chapter 08.07D of the Spokane Municipal Code (SMC); and enacting a new chapter 08.07E to Title 08 of the SMC. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36550 - Amending Ordinance C-26051 that vacated Thirteenth Avenue and Woodland Boulevard from the southeast right of way line of I-90 to the west line of “A” Street, Evergreen Drive from the southeast right of way line of I-90 to the north line of Fourteenth Avenue and the unnamed strip of land south of Lot 12 and north of Lots 17, 18, and 19, Block 16, Woodland Heights Addition, from the west line of Evergreen Drive to the extended west line of said Lots 12 and 17, and providing for an effective date. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36552 - Relating to maximum residential heights and multi-unit open space standards amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) Sections 17C.111.205 and 17C.111.420. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36553 - Relating to the Hamilton Form-Based Code amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 17C.123 Form Based Code Zones. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36554 - Relating to streamlining and expediting the land use review and approval process by relying on the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the South Logan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan by adopting a Planned Action; implementing the intent of the recently adopted by resolution South Logan TOD Plan; adopting Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 17C.420; and amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 17A.020. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36555 - Relating to height and height transition standards amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) Sections 17C.111.230 and 17C.120.220. Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36556 - Relating to the Center and Corridor and parking development regulations amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) Sections 17C.122.070, 17C.122.090, 17C.230.120, 17C.230.130, and 17C.300.130, repealing Sections 17C.122.080, 17C.122.100, 17C.122.110, and 17C.122T, and adopting new Sections 17C.122.200, 17C.122.210, 17C.122.220, 17C.122.230, 17C.122.240, and 17C.122.250 Yea
08/12/24 Ordinance C36560 - a. Vacation of the alley between Lee Street and Stone Street, from the south line of Broadway Avenue to the north line of Springfield Avenue, as requested by Richard Clemson. b. First Reading Ordinance C36560 vacating the alley between Lee Street and Stone Street, from the south line of Broadway Avenue to the north line of Springfield Avenue. Yea
08/12/24 Resolution 2024-0073 - Relating to modification of the City of Spokane's Retail Water Service Area (RWSA) to amend the RWSA boundaries to include areas within the current Spokane County Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundaries and authorizing amendment of the City's RWSA map on file with the Washington State Department of Health. Yea
08/12/24 Resolution 2024-0074 - Expressing support for the federal administration’s new executive directive to keep immigrant and noncitizen families together, for local efforts to provide immigrant services, and for amending the City’s federal legislative agenda to include support for federal relief of immigrant legal services. Yea
08/12/24 Resolution 2024-0075 - Approving the appointment of Christine Shisler as the Retirement Director for the City of Spokane. Yea
08/12/24 Resolution 2024-0076 - Approving the appointment of Laz Martinez as the Director of Information and Technology for the City of Spokane. Yea
08/12/24 Resolution 2024-0077 - Acknowledging the recommendation of the Neighborhood Project Advisory Committee for the West Quadrant Tax Increment Financing district and accepting the use of $190,000 in TIF funding for public improvements to be installed as part of the NATIVE Project Children and Youth Behavioral Health Project. Yea
07/22/24 Ordinance C36534 - Titled “Gun Violence Prevention for a Safer Spokane,” relating to the establishment provisions relating to firearms safety and prevention; adopting a new Chapter 10.75 to Title 10 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and repealing Section 12.05.065 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Originally passed on 7/08/2024 and amended and re-considered by City Council on 7/22/2024. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0062 - Relating to the Traffic Calming Fund requesting the mayor use current funding to establish a Sidewalk Improvement and Repair Pilot Program. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0065 - Joint Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, the City Council of the City of Spokane, Washington, and the Spokane Airport Board authorizing Spokane County to issue its Airport Revenue Bonds to pay all or part of the cost of certain improvements to airport facilities; authorizing Spokane County to fix, by subsequent resolution, terms and covenants of such bonds; authorizing Spokane County to pledge or otherwise obligate the revenues of the airport; authorizing Spokane County to sell such bonds and to provide for the delivery thereof to the purchaser; and providing for other matters relating thereto. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0066 - Of intention to establish a sales and use tax deferral program. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0067 - Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Spokane at an election to be held on November 5, 2024 of a proposition authorizing an increase to the sales and use tax in Spokane of one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) on the selling price to fund enhanced community safety; setting forth the text of the ballot proposition; directing proper city officials to take necessary actions; and providing for other properly related matters. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0068 - Regarding the appointment of for and against committee members relating to a Proposition No. 1 on the November 5, 2024, special election ballot concerning a proposition for funding enhanced community safety operations though an increase in the sales and use tax rate by one-tenth of one percent (0.1%). Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0069 - Approving an extension of the appointment of Justin Lundgren as the interim police chief for the City of Spokane. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0071 - Approving an extension of the appointment of Michael Sloon as the interim Chief Innovation Officer for the City of Spokane. Yea
07/22/24 Resolution 2024-0072 - Approving an extension of the appointment of Jason Conley as the interim Director of Spokane Parks and Recreation for the City of Spokane. Yea
07/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36545 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Human Services Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $9,100,203. A) Of the increased revenue, $9,100,203 is provided solely for grant revenue from the Department of Commerce. 2) Increase appropriation by $9,100,203. A) Of the increased appropriation, $8,761,526 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $338,677 is provided solely for the City’s administrative costs, including salaries, benefits, supplies, and equipment. Yea
07/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36546 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: HOME Program Grant Fund 1) Increase revenue by $4,628,671 A) Of the increased revenue, $4,628,671 is provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as part of the HOME – American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) program. 2) Increase appropriation by $4,628,671 A) Of the increased appropriation, $4,207,883 is provided solely for contractual services to be provided by the City’s sub-recipients to deliver housing and housing-related services to the community. B) Of the increased appropriation, $260,398 is provided solely for salaries and benefits for the City of Spokane’s employee Yea
07/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36547 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Public Safety and Judicial Grant Fund 1) Increase revenue by $150,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $150,000 is provided by the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA) through their Auto Theft Grant Program. 2) Increase appropriation by $150,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $125,000 is to be provided solely for equipment. B) Of the increased appropriation, $25,000 is to be provided solely for contractual services. Yea
07/15/24 Special Consideration CPR 2024-0016 - City Council letter to Washington Department of Revenue staff to expedite the rulemaking process and publish finalized rules implementing SB 6175 before the end of this year. Yea
07/08/24 Ordinance C36532 - Relating to the City’s Code of Ethics; adopting a new Chapter 01.04B of the Spokane Municipal Code and repealing Chapter 01.04A of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
07/08/24 Ordinance C36533 - Relating to Whistleblower Protection; adopting a new Chapter 01.04C of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
07/08/24 Ordinance C36535 - To adopt an overlay zone for property located at 1925 W. 36th Avenue in the City and Council of Spokane, State of Washington, by amending the official zoning map to show a planned unit development overlay zone for said property. Yea
07/08/24 Ordinance C36536 - To adopt an overlay zone for property located at 4502 N. Havana Street, 4599 E. Longfellow Street, and 4522 E. Longfellow Avenue in the City and County of Spokane, State of Washington, by amending the official zoning map to show a planned unit development overlay zone for said property. Yea
07/08/24 Resolution 2024-0063 - Declaring Whitney Equipment Company, Inc. (Woodinville, WA) a solesource provider and authorizing the City to enter into a value blanket order for Teledyne ISCO Flow Monitoring Systems Parts and Supplies for a five (5) year period from August 1, 2024, through July 31, 2029- approximately $680,000.00 without public bidding. Yea
07/08/24 Resolution 2024-0064 - Setting hearing before the City Council for August 12, 2024, for the vacation of the alley between Lee Street and Stone Street, from the south line of Broadway Ave to the north line of Springfield Avenue, as requested by Richard Clemson. Yea
07/08/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36537 - Water-Wastewater Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $1,413,103. A) Of the increased appropriation, $955,117 is provided solely for city utility tax in the Sewer Maintenance department. B) Of the increased appropriation, $337,986 is provided solely for city utility tax in the Riverside Park Reclamation Facility department. C) Of the increased appropriation, $80,000 is provided solely for city utility tax in the Water department. D) Of the increased appropriation, $40,000 is provided solely for city utility tax in the Integrated Capital Management department. and Solid Waste Fund 2) Increase appropriation by $3,348,500. A) Of the increased appropriation, $2,830,000 is to be provided solely for fleet maintenance in the Solid Waste Collection department. B) Of the increased appropriation, $362,500 is to be provided solely for city utility tax in the Solid Waste Collection department. C) Of the increased appropriation, $156,000 is to be provided solely for city utility tax in the Solid Waste Disp Yea
07/08/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36538 - Increasing General Fund revenue by $1,871,00 and Fire/EMS Fund revenue by $300,000 and providing recommendations to adjust material budget variances per SMC 07.14.030(C)(3). This ordinance covers increases, decreases, and other adjustments for the following departments: Spokane Police Department, Management and Budget Office, Internal Audit, Clerk's Office, Council Office, Mayor's Office, Police Ombudsman, as well as other departments as described in the ordinance. Yea
07/08/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36539 - Fleet Services Fund 1) Increase revenue by $2,400,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $2,400,000 is provided solely for interfund vehicle/equipment repair. 2) Increase appropriation by $2,400,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $1,000,000 is provided solely for vehicle repair & maintenance supply. B) Of the increased appropriation, $1,200,000 is provided solely for equipment repairs & maintenance. C) Of the increased appropriation, $200,000 is provided solely for contractual services. and Management Information Services Fund 1) Decrease appropriation by $206,669. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $205,000 is removed solely from software maintenance. B) Of the decreased appropriation, $1,669 is removed from base wages and associated employee benefits. and Reprographics Fund 1) Decrease appropriation by $36,864. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $18,600 is removed solely from equipment repairs/maintenance. B) Of the decreased appropriation, $18,264 is removed solely from hardware m Yea
07/08/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36540 - Public Safety Personnel and Crime Reduction Fund 1) Eliminate one classified, vacant Crime Analyst (from 1 to 0) in the Police Crime Analysis program. 2) Decrease appropriation by $113,582. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $113,582 is removed from base wages and associated employee benefits in the Police Crime Analysis program. and Forfeitures and Contributions Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $520,500. A) Of the increased appropriation, $100,000 is to be provided solely for vehicles. B) Of the increased appropriation, $140,000 is to be provided solely for machinery/equipment. C) Of the increased appropriation, $160,000 is to be provided solely for software maintenance. D) Of the increased appropriation, $25,000 is to be provided solely for personal protective equipment. E) Of the increased appropriation, $70,000 is to be provided solely for confidential funds. F) Of the increased appropriation, $15,000 is to be provided solely for registration/schooling. G) Of the increased appropri Yea
07/08/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36542 - Regarding changes to various Funds to make grade and associated pay range changes for various positions (for the second quarter of 2024, as more specifically described in the ordinance). Yea
06/24/24 Emergency Ordinance C36531 - Relating to the establishment of a two-year biennial budget beginning January 1, 2025, in accordance with Chapter 35.34 RCW; amending the title to Chapter 7.01 of the Spokane Municipal Code; amending SMC 7.01.010; adopting new sections 7.01.020 and 07.01.030 to chapter 7.01 of the Spokane Municipal Code and declaring an emergency. Yea
06/24/24 Ordinance C36528 - Streamlining licensing requirements for entertainment facilities and all ages venues; repealing Sections 10.23A.040 and 10.23A.60 of the Spokane Municipal Code; amending Sections 04.04.020, 10.23A.020, 10.23A.030 and 10.70.100 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
06/24/24 Resolution 2024-0055 - Adopting the City of Spokane's federal legislative agenda for the years 2024-2025. Yea
06/24/24 Resolution 2024-0056 - Approving the appointment of Katherine Fairborn as the Budget Director for the Spokane City Council. Yea
06/24/24 Resolution 2024-0057 - Approving settlement of claim for damages of Wayne Stronk-$59,990.96 Yea
06/24/24 Resolution 2024-0058 - Setting forth the City Council’s approval and endorsement of funding for contracts arising from the HOME-ARP grants and authorizing the execution of the appliable and appropriate contracts to once formalized without further City Council action. Yea
06/24/24 Resolution 2024-0059 - Appointing new members to the Equity Subcommittee of the City Council’s Finance and Administration Committee and setting the length of member terms. Yea
06/24/24 Resolution 2024-0060 - Hearing for the 2025-2030 Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program on June 24, 2024 Yea
06/24/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36529 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Housing Sales Tax Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $2,581,320. A) Of the increased appropriation, $2,581,320 is provided solely for contractual services. Yea
06/24/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36530 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $405,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $405,000 is provided solely for grant revenue from the STA’s Federal Transit Administration’s Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning grant in the Planning Services department. 2) Increase appropriation by $405,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $405,000 is provided solely for contractual services. Yea
06/10/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36520 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: That in the budget of the American Rescue Plan Fund, and the budget annexed thereto with reference to the Fund, the following changes be made: 1) Reallocate part of the appropriation of $60,000 that was previously allocated for the purpose of ADU Permits 2) Reallocate the appropriation of $1,181,190.49 that was previously allocated for the purpose of Projects of City Wide Significance 3) Reallocate the appropriation of $74,811.42 that was previously allocated for the purpose of EV Stations. 4) Reallocate the appropriation of $1,793,921.82 that was previously allocated for the purpose of the Mun Yea
06/10/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36527 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fire/EMS fund 1) Increase revenue by $100,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $100,000 is provided by University of Washington solely for EMS services. 2) Increase appropriation by $100,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $100,000 is to be provided solely for vehicles. Yea
06/03/24 Resolution 2024-0052 - Approving settlement of claims of the Estate of Peterson Kamo-$250,000. Yea
06/03/24 Resolution 2024-0053 - Referred to as “Janet Mann Safe Streets Now!” and requesting the Mayor to direct the Public Works Department to implement adaptive design strategies for transportation infrastructure within the City of Spokane to be paid through the Traffic Calming Measures Fund. Yea
06/03/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36524 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $6,081. A) Of the increased revenue, $6,081 is provided solely for grant revenue from WA Traffic Safety Commission for the Municipal Court department. 2) Increase appropriation by $6,081. A) Of the increased appropriation, $2,100 is provided solely for airfare. B) Of the increased appropriation, $2,550 is provided solely for lodging. C) Of the increased appropriation, $630 is provided solely for registration. D) Of the increased appropriation, $801 is provided solely for per diem. Yea
06/03/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36525 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Utility Billing Fund 1) Add one classified Executive Assistant position (from 0 to 1). 2) Increase appropriation by $46,031. A) Of the increased appropriation, $46,031 is provided for base wages and associated employee benefits. Yea
06/03/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36526 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Solid Waste Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $730,614. A) Of the increased appropriation, $730,614 is provided solely for vehicles. Yea
05/20/24 Emergency Ordinance C36522 - Imposing an immediate one-year moratorium on new preliminary subdivision and short subdivision applications in the Latah/Hangman and Grandview/Thorpe Neighborhoods; setting a public hearing; and declaring an emergency. Yea
05/20/24 Ordinance C36482 - Concerning the Short-Term Rental License Fee, and repealing section 8.02.090 of the Spokane Municipal Code Yea
05/20/24 Ordinance C36518 - Relating to the executive and administrative organization of the City, and amending SMC section 3.01A.350. Yea
05/20/24 Ordinance C36519 - Repealing inactive boards; repealing Chapters 04.06, 04.20, 04.24, 04.39 and Article IV of Chapter 10.27A of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
05/20/24 Ordinance C36523 - Relating to residential rental properties and establishing cooling requirements, amending sections 10.57.130 and 10.57.140 of the Spokane Municipal Code, creating a new Section 10.57.170 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
05/20/24 Resolution 2024-0048 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of a taxable Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,750,000; establishing interfund loan facilities from the Spokane Investment Pool to refinance existing interfund loans; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bond; establishing the provisions for repayment of the interfund loan established thereby; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bond to the City, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. Yea
05/20/24 Resolution 2024-0049 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of a taxable Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $6,000,000; establishing interfund loan facilities from the Spokane Investment Pool to defease certain outstanding bonds of the City; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bond; establishing the provisions for repayment of the interfund loan established thereby; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bond to the City; authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement for use in the payment of the Defeased Bonds; authorizing the purchase of certain government obligations; providing for the defeasance of the Defeased Bonds; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. Yea
05/20/24 Resolution 2024-0051 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of a taxable Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $2,850,000; establishing interfund loan facilities from the Spokane Investment Pool to refinance existing interfund loans and finance the Parking Meter Replacement Project; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bond; establishing the provisions for repayment of the interfund loan established thereby; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bond to the City, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. Yea
04/29/24 Ordinance C36513 - Relating to the fire code, amending section 17F.110.010 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
04/29/24 Ordinance C36514 - Final Reading Ordinance C36514 relating to the paper cuts code amendments 2024 project making minor changes to the Unified Development Code that clarify government process and procedures, align with legislative requirements, and/or make clerical corrections in the Spokane Municipal Code, amending Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) sections 04.16.040 Membership, 17A.020.020 B Definitions, 17A.020.080 H Definitions, 17C.120.110 Limited Use Standards, 17C.122.070 Center and Corridor Allowed Uses, 17C.122T.001 Table 17C.122.070-1 Center and Corridor Allowed Uses, 17C.190.450 Medical Centers, 17C.200.050 Street Tree Requirements, 17D.010.020 Concurrency Test, 17D.010.030 Certificate of Capacity, 17D.075.180 Appendix A – Impact Fee Schedule, 17G.020.040 Amendment Frequency, 17G.061.010 Summary of Land Use Application Procedures, 17G.061.320 Notice of Decision, 17G.070.030 Development Standards, and 17H.010.120 Alleys; and adopting a new section, 17C.190.255 Public Parking Lot, creating a new use category description. Yea
04/29/24 Ordinance C36515 - Relating to residential rental properties and establishing minimum notice period for residential rent increases, amending sections 10.57.130 and 10.57.140 of the Spokane Municipal Code, creating a new Section 10.57.160 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and establishing an effective date. Yea
04/29/24 Ordinance C36516 - Establishing a definition of "emergency" for the purposes of governing legislation of the City Council and ensuring the appropriate use of emergency ordinances, and adding a new Section 01.01.080 to the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
04/29/24 Ordinance C36517 - Establishing the Transportation Commission; repealing Chapters 04.37 and 04.38 of the Spokane Municipal Code; amending Sections 04.16.020 and 04.16.030 of the Spokane Municipal Code; amending Section 03.01A.365 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and adopting a new chapter 04.40 to Title 04 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
04/29/24 Resolution 2024-0041 - A resolution regarding the appointment of for and against committee members relating to a Proposition No. 1 on the August 6, 2024, special election ballot regarding a measure proposing an increase in the regular property tax levy for public safety operations beginning in 2025. Yea
04/29/24 Resolution 2024-0043 - Of the City of Spokane modifying a prior request of the city council to hold a special election on Proposition No. 1, and to request that the Spokane County Auditor instead hold the election for Proposition No. 1, relating to regular property tax levy to provide funding for Park Improvements and Safety citywide, on February 11, 2025. Yea
04/29/24 Resolution 2024-0045 - Declaring Field Instruments & Controls, Inc. (Spokane) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a value blanket order for Endress Hauser Instrumentation (universal controllers, probes, parts and supplies) for from June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2029, without public bidding - approximately $400,000. Yea
04/29/24 Resolution 2024-0046 - Declaring KGS Northwest, LLC, (Bellevue, WA) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a value blanket order for Milliken valves and valve parts from June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2029, without public bidding - approximately $500,000. Yea
04/29/24 Resolution 2024-0047 - Approving the appointment of Julie O’Berg as the Fire Chief for the Spokane Fire Department. Yea
04/22/24 Resolution 2024-0036 - Approving the 2024 Annual Action Plan component of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan for CDBG, HOME, and ESG grant programs and approval to enter into agreement with HUD and awarded organizations. Total anticipated grants revenue: $5,412,056. Yea
04/22/24 Resolution 2024-0037 - Establishing the Plan Commission Work Program for 2024/2025. Yea
04/22/24 Resolution 2024-0038 - Directing City of Spokane Planning Services to initiate climate planning that implements the requirements of HB 1181 as part of the periodic update by conducting community engagement, analyzing climate impacts, and developing and integrating climate goals and policies to build community resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yea
04/22/24 Resolution 2024-0039 - To participate in the Smart Growth America Community Connectors Program to build local capacity and reconnect the 5th Avenue community in the East Central Neighborhood, and co-design projects alongside the most impacted communities for repairing the damage of divisive highway infrastructure Yea
04/22/24 Resolution 2024-0040 - Appointing members to the Housing Action Subcommittee. Yea
04/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36507 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Accounting and Grants Fund 1) Decrease appropriation by $85,000. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $58,000 is removed solely from base wages. B) Of the decreased appropriation, $27,000 is removed solely from associated various employee benefits. 2) Increase appropriation by $85,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $85,000 is provided solely for contractual services. B) There is no increase in the appropriation level of the Accounting and Grants fund. Yea
04/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36508 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Decrease appropriation by $34,155. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $34,155 is removed solely from base wages for the AOC DVITC 2023-2024 grant. 2) Increase appropriation by $34,155. A) Of the increased appropriation, $34,155 is provided solely for professional services for the AOC DVITC 2023-2024 grant. Yea
04/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36509 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: General Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $300,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $300,000 is provided solely for election services provided by Spokane County in 2024. B) This is an increase to the overall appropriation level in the General Fund. Yea
04/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36510 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fire/EMS Fund 1) Add one classified Social Response Manager position (from 1 to 2) in the CARES program. 2) Add two classified Mental Health Coordinator positions (from 0 to 2) in the CARES program. 3) Add one classified Clerk II position (from 0 to 0.5) in the CARES program. 4) Increase revenue by $500,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $500,000 is to be provided solely for interfund other general government services in the CARES program. 5) Increase appropriation by $500,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $291,200 is to be provided solely for base wages and associated employee benefits in the CARES Yea
04/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36511 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $130,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $130,000 is provided solely for grant revenue from Smart Growth America. 2) Increase appropriation by $130,000 A) Of the increased appropriation, $130,000 is provided solely for contractual services. Yea
04/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36512 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $420,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $420,000 is provided solely for grant revenue from the Department of Commerce. 2) Increase appropriation by $420,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $420,000 is provided solely for contractual services. Yea
04/15/24 Ordinance C36505 - Amending Ordinance C33671 that vacated the east 15 feet of Lacey Street from Gordon Avenue to 620 feet south. Yea
04/15/24 Resolution 2024-0034 - Declaring Huber Technology, Inc. (Denver, NC) a sole source provider and authorizing the purchase of parts, supplies and service for SE EscaMax Fine Screen and HydroPress Washer Compactor parts for the Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility for a period of five (5) years for up to $1,100,000 without public bidding. Yea
04/15/24 Resolution 2024-0035 - Approving indemnification and defense of employees of the City of Spokane (in the matter of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington, Cause No. 2:23-cv-0262-TOR). Yea
04/15/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36506 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Various Funds to make grade and associated pay range changes for various positions (as more specifically described in the ordinance). Yea
04/08/24 Ordinance C36504 - Altering the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, creating the Lodging Tax Advisory Program; amending sections 04.30.010 and 04.030.020 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and adding a new section to Chapter 04.30 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
04/08/24 Resolution 2024-0033 - Approving the appointment of Arielle Anderson as the Director of Community, Housing, and Human Services for the City of Spokane. Yea
03/25/24 Resolution 2024-0028 - Regarding the approval of year 2025 traffic calming applications and projects to be paid through the Traffic Calming Measures Fund. Yea
03/25/24 Resolution 2024-0029 - Regarding applications to amend the City’s Comprehensive Plan and setting the annual Comprehensive Plan Work Program for 2024. Yea
03/25/24 Resolution 2024-0030 - Approving settlement of Tatyanna Presnell-$300,000. Yea
03/25/24 Resolution 2024-0031 - Adopting a plan to address the fentanyl and opiate overdose crisis in the City of Spokane and declaring that exigent circumstances exist that demand coordination of resources available between the City of Spokane and the State of Washington, in partnership with community organizations. Yea
03/25/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36503 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Urban Forestry Fund 1) Increase revenue by $2,000,000 A) Of the increased revenue, $2,000,000 is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and disbursed by the United States Forest Service (USFS) as part of the United States Federal Government’s Inflation Reduction Act. 2) Increase appropriation by $2,000,000 A) Of the increased appropriation, $2,000,000 is provided solely for contractual services procured to plant and maintain trees in economically disadvantaged areas of the City of Spokane. Yea
03/21/24 Resolution 2024-0032 - Requesting the Spokane Transit Authority adopt a promotional "Expo '74 Free Fare" program to encourage regional participation in events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1974 World's Fair in Spokane. Yea
03/11/24 Ordinance C36500 - Granting a non-exclusive franchise to use the public right-of-way to provide noncable telecommunications service to the public to Ziply Fiber, LLC, subject to certain conditions and duties as further provided. Yea
03/11/24 Ordinance C36501 - Relating to the executive and administrative organization of the City, and amending SMC section 3.01A.315. Yea
03/11/24 Ordinance C36502 - Relating to Pretreatment; amending SMC section 13.03A.0301; 13.03A.0408; 13.03A.0801; and 13.03A.1201; chapter 13.03A of the Spokane Municipal Code and setting an effective date. Yea
03/11/24 Resolution 2024-0027 - Regarding an update to Appendix “A” of the Public Rule for the City of Spokane Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility & Industrial Pretreatment Program & Lab Analysis Fees. Yea
03/11/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36499 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: General Fund 1) Decrease appropriation by $80,000. A) Of the decreased appropriation, $80,000 is removed solely from contractual services in the Mayor’s Office for the emergency preparedness interlocal agreement with Spokane County. 2) Increase appropriation by $80,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $80,000 is provided solely for wages and benefits in the Legal Department due to the tentative agreement between the City of Spokane and the Local 270 Prosecuting Attorneys bargaining unit. B) There is no change to the overall appropriation level in the General Fund. Yea
03/04/24 Ordinance C36497 - Concerning the definition of Public Parking Lot in Title 17, adding a new chapter 17C.415 to the Spokane Municipal Code (Interim Zoning Ordinance). Yea
03/04/24 Resolution 2024-0023 - Adopting various amendments to the City Council’s Rules of Procedure. Yea
03/04/24 Resolution 2024-0024 - Updating the appointments of City Council Members to boards, committees, and commissions for 2024. Yea
03/04/24 Resolution 2024-0025 - Approving settlement of Maryann Bouttu-$100,000. Yea
03/04/24 Resolution 2024-0026 - Declaring the Innovia Foundation a sole source for the providing of programming, coordination, and organization for the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the 1974 World’s Fair in Spokane, and authorizing a contract with the organization. Yea
02/26/24 Ordinance C36485 - Relating to the regulation of special events and establishing a process allowing for expanded events, amending Section 10.39.040 (D) of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
02/26/24 Resolution 2024-0022 - Expressing support for the operational actions to support the American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center (Spokane Tech Hub). Yea
02/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36493 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fire Grants Misc Fund 1) Increase revenue by $1,503,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $1,503,000 is provided solely for grant reimbursement revenue from the Department of Natural Resources. 2) Increase appropriation by $1,503,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $1,500,000 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $3,000 is provided solely for supplies/equipment. and Fire/EMS Fund 1) Increase revenue by $75,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $25,000 is provided solely for fire protection and EMS. B) Of the increased revenue, $50,000 is provided solel Yea
02/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36494 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: American Rescue Plan Fund Reallocate the appropriation of $3,128,000 that was previously allocated for the purpose of the Municipal Court Justice Building. A) Of the reallocated appropriation, $3,128,000 is provided solely for an operating transfer-out to the Property Acquisition Police Fund for police vehicle purchase. That in the budget of Property Acquisition Police Fund and the budget annexed there to with reference to the Fund, the following changes to be made: 1) Increase revenue by $ 3,128,000. A) Of increased revenue, $3,128,000 is provided solely as an operating transfer-in from the American Rescue Plan Yea
02/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36495 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $20,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $20,000 is provided solely for receipt of award from the Smith-Barbieri Progressive Fund on behalf of Municipal Court. 2) Increase appropriation by $20,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $3,000 is provided solely for operating supplies. B) Of the increased appropriation, $3,000 is provided solely for clothing. C) Of the increased appropriation, $14,000 is provided solely for miscellaneous services. Yea
02/26/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36496 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Building Services (DSC) Fund 1) Add one classified Plan Examiner position (from 5 to 6). 2) Increase the appropriation for a Plan Examiner position by $89,876. The appropriation provides budget authority for salary and benefits through the rest of the current fiscal year. A) This is an increase to the overall appropriation level in the Building Services (DSC) Fund. Yea
02/24/24 Resolution 2025-0008 - Declaring Transport Equipment (Spokane) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a Contract for the purpose of service on Mack trucks and equipment on an “as needed” basis for a five-year period-approximately $50,000 annually without public bidding and a Value Blanket Order for the purchase of Mack parts on an “as needed” basis for a five-year period-approximately $50,000 annually without public bidding. Yea
02/12/24 Emergency Ordinance C36492 - Relating to Water-Wastewater and Water & Hydroelectric Department rates, amending SMC sections 13.035.500 and 13.04.2014 to chapters 13.035 and 13.04 of the Spokane Municipal Code and declaring an emergency. Yea
02/12/24 Ordinance C36490 - Relating to the executive and administrative organization of the City, and amending SMC section 3.01A.340. (Changing “Innovation and Technology Services” to “Information Technology.”) Yea
02/12/24 Resolution 2024-0020 - Declaring Waste Management Services (Graham Road Facility) (Medical Lake, WA) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a contract for disposal of non-hazardous contaminated material from construction projects to be used on an “as needed” basis for a three year period (without public bidding)-approximately $300,000 maximum over the three-year period. Yea
02/12/24 Resolution 2024-0021 - Authorizing the execution of the funding agreements between the City of Spokane and State of Washington, Department of Ecology for the Marion Hay Intertie and Nine Mile Sewer Re-Route Project. Yea
02/12/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36491 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Management Information Systems (IT) fund 1) Increase revenue by $160,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $160,000 is provided solely for receipt of award from State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program. 2) Increase appropriation by $160,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $22,000 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $138,000 is provided solely for capitalized computers and microprocessing equipment. Yea
02/05/24 Ordinance C36454 - Relating to the waiver of certain permitting fees for solar energy systems and electric vehicle charging stations set forth in the Spokane Municipal Code and adding fees, amending SMC 08.02.031, SMC 08.02.034, SMC 15.05.040, and SMC 15.05.050. Yea
02/05/24 Resolution 2024-0008 - Stating the Spokane City Council’s support for CITY OF SPOKANE MEASURE NO. 1 entitled, “LIBRARY OPERATIONS LEVY,” submitted by the Spokane City Council for the February 13, 2024 Special Election. Yea
02/05/24 Resolution 2024-0016 - Stating the Spokane City Council’s support for CITY OF SPOKANE MEASURE NO. 2, entitled “Amendment to the City Charter Regarding City Council Redistricting Process,” submitted by the Spokane City Council for the February 13, 2024, Special Election. Yea
02/05/24 Resolution 2024-0017 - Adopting updated business registration rules to administer and enforce the City’s business licenses and registrations and carry out the provisions of Chapter 8.01 SMC. Yea
02/05/24 Resolution 2024-0018 - Approving settlement of Karen Fischer-$275,000. Yea
02/05/24 Resolution 2024-0019 - Approving settlement of claims of Larry and Lois Collins-$135,000. Yea
02/05/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36488 - Carrying over from 2023 fiscal year and re-appropriating various funds for the use of certain departments and divisions of the City government and the budgeting of various outstanding grants, both revenues and expenses, of the City of Spokane, and thereby amending Ordinance No. C36467, passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled “An ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, declaring a public emergency, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage” under Section 16(D) of the City Charter as necessary for the immediate support of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Spokane, and declaring an emergency. Yea
02/05/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36489 - Ordinance C36489 amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Management Information Systems (IT) fund 1) Increase revenue by $77,000. A) Of the increased revenue, $77,000 is provided solely for receipt of award from State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program. 2) Increase appropriation by $77,000. A) Of the increased appropriation, $17,000 is provided solely for contractual services. B) Of the increased appropriation, $60,000 is provided solely for capitalized computers and microprocessing equipment. Yea
01/29/24 Emergency Ordinance C36487 - Emergency Ordinance C36487 concerning land use standards for centers and corridors, amending sections 17C.122.010 and 17C.122.030 of the Spokane Municipal Code, and declaring an emergency. Yea
01/29/24 Ordinance C36483 - Relating to Water; amending section 13.04.2017 to chapter 13.04 of the Spokane Municipal Code (SMC); and setting an effective date. Yea
01/29/24 Ordinance C36484 - Relating to the establishment of a process to consider and act upon community members' concerns regarding City-owned property; adopting a new Chapter 18.10 to Title 18 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
01/29/24 Resolution 2024-0015 - Recognizing the Final South Logan Transit-Oriented Development Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement as the coordinated framework and community vision for encouraging mixed-use, walkable places in the South Logan area. Yea
01/22/24 Ordinance C36422 - Vacating the alley between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue, from the east line of Washington Street to the west line of Bernard Street. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0002 - Appointing Council Members to boards and commissions for 2024. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0003 - Adopting various amendments to the City Council's Rules of Procedure. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0009 - Of solidarity with those whose lives have been forever altered by the conflict between Israel and Hamas. We envision a world where every life is cherished and valued as equal - where all humanity lives in peace, freedom, and safety Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0010 - Regarding the appointment of Barbara Liliana Navarrete Lorenzo to fill the vacancy in Spokane City Council District 2, Position 2. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0011 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of a taxable Limited Tax General Obligation Bond in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $1,175,339 to secure an interfund loan from the Spokane Investment Pool to finance the acquisition of equipment for the Waste to Energy Facility; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bond; establishing the provisions for repayment of the interfund loan established thereby; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bond to the City, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0012 - Approving the appointment of Matt Boston as the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Spokane. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0013 - Regarding amendment to the City of Spokane Water and Hydroelectric Department – Fee & Cost Schedule. Yea
01/22/24 Resolution 2024-0014 - Ratifying the Mayor’s January 11, 2024 Executive Declaration of Emergency. Yea
01/22/24 Special Budget Ordinance C36486 - Amending Ordinance No. C36467 passed by the City Council November 27, 2023, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2024, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage,"and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: General Fund: 1) Add one exempt Deputy City Administrator position (from 0 to 1) in the Mayor’s Office. A) There is no change to the overall appropriation level in the General Fund. Yea
01/08/24 Ordinance C36421 - Approve subject to conditions hearing on vacation of Conklin Street south of 8th Avenue, as requested by the Spokane Housing Authority. Yea
01/08/24 Ordinance C36477 - Relating to the grant acceptance process and amending SMC 07.19.010 of Title 07.19 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Yea
01/08/24 Resolution 2024-0001 - Resolution and companion Budget Funding Agreement for use of funds from Traffic Calming Measures Fund for labor and acquisition of equipment dedicated to cleaning and plowing of bike lanes-$950,000. Yea
01/08/24 Resolution 2024-0004 - Approving the appointment of Erin Hut as the Director of Communications and Marketing for the City of Spokane. Yea
01/08/24 Resolution 2024-0005 - Approving the appointment of Michael Piccolo as the City Attorney for the City of Spokane. Yea
01/08/24 Resolution 2024-0006 - Approving the appointment of Dawn Kinder as the Director of Neighborhood, Housing, and Human Services. Yea
01/06/24 Resolution 2025-0003 - Clarifying the lengths of the initial terms on the Climate Resilience and Sustainability Board. Yea